GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "How to build a developer community with limited resources"

Track: Products for People / Time: Tuesday 12:05 - 13:05 / Location: Room 203 / 204

With the project, we are trying to build a community that can change the database- and Open Source world, and support an exciting OSS project licensed in the spirit of the FSF. To make this work, we have a number of programs supporting the community.

In this talk, Peter is outlining the past and current approaches to drive developer adoption and some of the effects seen so far in the effect of different measures.

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Peter Neubauer, Founder and VP Product Management at Neo Technology

Peter Neubauer

Biography: Peter Neubauer

Peter has been a founding member of OPS4J and, together with Niclas Hedhman, been involved in the initial discussion of the OPS (Open Participation Software) community model that is practiced here at OPS4J.

Peter has even been a founding member of the Digital Meta Product Library (DPML), where he even heavily contributed.

Born in Eastern Germany, moved to Sweden 1998. Right now, Peter is focusing on turning Open Source Projects into profitable companies. Also, Peter is helping technology and mobile startups and organizing events like ThoughtMade and TEDx Öresund.

Peter is Interested in creating products with a sustainable community process and Open Participation especially. Trying to formulate the arguments of why industrial companies (i.e. non-IT companies) should invest money into OSS projects by actively participating, instead of paying consultants inhouse, and in the process create a better value proposition for their and ensure sustainable development and support for the externally managed OSS parts.